A friend once suggested I send postcards to the women in these villages, to find out about a harvest season or to intimate them of a production schedule. I just wasn’t sure how many days that would take, or was there a way to ensure it will reach them! And then, would they write back?!
Who knew that years later, the postal theme would be so beautifully conceived by our design consultants at Thought Factory Design, Kochi. As the women’s collectives scattered across the forested landscape are being brought under one umbrella brand, this is a very special juncture for us.
Every illustration is representative of a product, and every product is sourced from a wild resource. We hope that every product handmade at our collectives carries to you a slice of the pristine tropical forest soul.
Surely letters are slower than emails and instant messages, but they are soulful. Perhaps these “stamps” will inspire us to pick up a pen and paper and write to a long lost friend!