Forest Post, a social impact enterprise

Securing sustainable livelihoods among native forest-dwelling communities can go a long way in ensuring forest conservation, for while they continue engaging with the forest and its resources, whether for sustenance or for MFP sales, they preserve a certain knowledge of the forest and keep an eye on its status and distribution. In effect, they become true stewards of conservation. If forest-dwelling people can find a creative and dignified source of income through a meaningful engagement with forests—their ancestral domain—then they are not forced to move to towns to seek menial jobs.

Conventional MFPs such as honey and medicinal plants are bought from the Adivasis by the Forest Development Agency of the State Forest Department at fair prices. And yet, market fluctuations and uncertainties mark the trail of MFP demand and sales in town markets. We met MFP harvesters in Kadar villages and brought in a few more non-conventional forest resources (Cycas, ferns, Sour lime, Wild Grape and Asparagus) into the harvest regime. Fair prices were given to MFP harvesters. Bamboo weavers were given trainings on treatment/ curing methods and design. Women’s groups were galvanised around value-addition and this opened up income generation activities in the villages.

We now know that skill development can enhance forest produce-based livelihoods to support the local economy. Alongside, it addresses deeper issues of gender and equality through creating confidence building and decision-making spaces.

In the end, it is about creating better places for people to live. And when it comes to forest-dwelling people, it is about safeguarding their enduring relationship with the environment.

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